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Back issues

Certain back issues of the Journal are still available at £2 + postage.

To order back issues please click here or click a Buy Now button below

1292-1288 | 1287-1283 | 1282-1278 | 1277-1273 | 1272-1268 | 1267-1263 | 1262-1258 | 1257-1253 | 1252-1248 | 1247-1243 | 1242-1238 | 1237-1233 | 1232-1228 | 1227-1223 | 1222-1218 | 1217-1213 | 1212-1208 | 1207-1203 | 1202-1198 | 1197-1193 | 1192-1188 | 1187-1183 | 1182-1178 | 1177-1173 | 1172-1168 | 1167-1163 | 1162-1158 | 1157-1153 | 1152-1148 | 1147-1143 | 1142-1138 | 1137-1133 | 1132-1128 | 1127-1123 | 1122-1118 | 1117-1113 | 1112-1108 | 1107-1103 | 1102-1098 | 1097-1093 | 1092-1088 | 1087-1083 | 1082-1078 | 1077-1073 | 1072-1068 | 1067-1063 | 1062-1058 | 1057-1053 | 1052-1048 | 1047-1043 | 1042-1038 | 1037-1033 | 1032-1028 | 1027-1023 | 1022-1018 | 1017-1013 | 1012-1008 | 1007-1003 | 1002-998 | 997-993 | 992-988 | 987-983 | 982-978 | 977-973 | 972-968 | 967-963 | 962-958 | 957-953 | 952-948 | 947-943 | 942-938 | 937-933 | 932-928 | 927-923 | 922-918 | 917-913 | 912-908 | 907-903 | 902-898 | 897-893 | 892-888 | 887-883 | 882-878 | 877-873 | 872-868 | 867-863 | 862-858 |

In issue 952 - Fri 27 Aug 2010

  • States urged to fight for Aurigny
  • Aurigny staff outline concerns
  • GCSE success at St Anne's
  • States Survey results
  • Fisherman brands States 'worst ever'


In issue 951 - Fri 13 Aug 2010

  • Retail war in Victoria Street
  • Ian Tugby quits as MAG chairman
  • Sizzler plans to take over Aurigny
  • Serena's message in a bottle
  • Alderney Week makes history fun


In issue 950 - Fri 30 Jul 2010

  • Hundreds turn out to quiz Derek Coates
  • Assurances given over UK air link
  • Wonderful Alderney Week will raise spirits
  • Court refuses to overrule Hummer verdict
  • Firefighters abseil goat to safety
  • Marina project could start next spring


In issue 949 - Fri 16 Jul 2010

  • Blue Islands bids for Aurigny
  • States to give GST thumbs down
  • Questions raised over policeman?s suspension
  • More burglaries arrests
  • Terry Waite to visit Alderney
  • Hummer case could cost States

In issue 948 - Fri 02 Jul 2010

  • Care home site closes for second time
  • Dream Gannets return for Peter
  • £50 million e-gambling boost
  • 120 attend fisheries meeting
  • Extra TRP reduces self-catering market
  • States members to lobby Guernsey for more cash

1292-1288 | 1287-1283 | 1282-1278 | 1277-1273 | 1272-1268 | 1267-1263 | 1262-1258 | 1257-1253 | 1252-1248 | 1247-1243 | 1242-1238 | 1237-1233 | 1232-1228 | 1227-1223 | 1222-1218 | 1217-1213 | 1212-1208 | 1207-1203 | 1202-1198 | 1197-1193 | 1192-1188 | 1187-1183 | 1182-1178 | 1177-1173 | 1172-1168 | 1167-1163 | 1162-1158 | 1157-1153 | 1152-1148 | 1147-1143 | 1142-1138 | 1137-1133 | 1132-1128 | 1127-1123 | 1122-1118 | 1117-1113 | 1112-1108 | 1107-1103 | 1102-1098 | 1097-1093 | 1092-1088 | 1087-1083 | 1082-1078 | 1077-1073 | 1072-1068 | 1067-1063 | 1062-1058 | 1057-1053 | 1052-1048 | 1047-1043 | 1042-1038 | 1037-1033 | 1032-1028 | 1027-1023 | 1022-1018 | 1017-1013 | 1012-1008 | 1007-1003 | 1002-998 | 997-993 | 992-988 | 987-983 | 982-978 | 977-973 | 972-968 | 967-963 | 962-958 | 957-953 | 952-948 | 947-943 | 942-938 | 937-933 | 932-928 | 927-923 | 922-918 | 917-913 | 912-908 | 907-903 | 902-898 | 897-893 | 892-888 | 887-883 | 882-878 | 877-873 | 872-868 | 867-863 | 862-858 |

Back Issues
Back issues
of the Journal are now available

The Guernsey Bereavement Service has made three visits to Alderney over the past few months and would like to continue to help you. We are visiting the island again on Tuesday, 23rd February 2024 and would invite anyone who feels they would like Bereavement Counselling to telephone the Bereavement Service Office on 257778 to make a time to meet one of our counsellors.

Alderney Journal Ltd, 56 Victoria Street, Alderney, GY9 3UF

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