States members could be paid an annual salary in future.
Politicians in the island currently receive �60 for each half-day of meetings they attend but members of the Policy and Finance Committee (P&F) have voted for an external review of the system.
July's P&F minutes said it was the majority view of the group to support a flat-rate payment and it was resolved that chief executive David Jeremiah and States treasurer Kerry Hatcher-Gaudion approach a suitable person to carry out a review.
When asked about the plans, Mr Jeremiah said: "The present system does not necessarily reflect the actual amount of time each individual member spends on States business, which is not restricted to attendance at and preparation for meetings."
Mr Jeremiah said a flat-rate payment would give people considering standing for the States an idea of how much they would be paid.
"It is quite difficult under the present system for a person considering standing for the States to know what he or she will receive if elected."
Mr Jeremiah said a flat-rate payment may not increase the overall amount paid to States members. In 2007, members received a total of �53,546.85 between them.
"It is not possible to say at this stage what any annual figure would be. Moving to a flat-rate, rather than attendance allowances, does not of itself require an increase in expenditure."
The members' pay issue has been discussed on numerous occasions this year. Former States member Richard Cox highlighted it in March when he said two of his colleagues reacted furiously to his proposals to publish what each member receives.
The Guernsey Bereavement Service has made three visits to Alderney over the past few months and would like to continue to help you. We are visiting the island again on
Tuesday, 23rd February 2024 and would invite anyone who feels they would like Bereavement Counselling to telephone the Bereavement Service Office on 257778 to make a time to meet one of our counsellors.